Meet Cofounders – 2023 Schedule


Sumbal and Heehwa will be hosting monthly Zoom happy hours to meet teachers and students interested in asking questions and sharing ideas related to Storypal!

Come with your questions and stories to inspire and grow together with Heehwa and Sumbal!

If you would like to book a Zoom session for a demo or your school administrators, please contact us at [email protected].


Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 824 4024 9015
Password: 330663

The last Saturday and Tuesday of every month 
at 10 PM in Korean time.
==> July: 7/25 (Tuesday), 7/29 (Saturday)
==> August: 8/26 (Saturday), 8/29 (Tuesday)
==> September: 9/26 (Tuesday), 9/30 (Saturday)
==> October: 10/28 (Saturday), 10/31(Tuesday)
==> November: 11/25 (Saturday), 11/28 (Tuesday)
==> December: 12/26 (Tuesday), 12/30 (Saturday)