Letter Samples – Topic: UN SDGs #3. Good Health and Well-being





Dear _________,


How are you doing? I am sorry I did not reply sooner. I have Korean American cousins who are visiting my family, so I was in charge of showing them the famous places in my city. I hope one day you can come to see it. Come to visit soon! 


Speaking of visiting here, I think we have to be healthy if we want to one day visit each other, since without health we cannot do anything! One of my cousins got sick yesterday. So she could not join us and missed out on the site seeing. My parents got medications for her.


I was worried about her but she is fine now. I wonder what I would do if I go somewhere new and get sick. My cousin had my parents but what if I don’t know anyone? In Korea, health care system is pretty good. How is it in Mongol? Do you have health insurance? I am very curious. I want to know about the health care system in Mongolia. If you could tell me,

that would be so nice. 


Once again, I am so sorry my reply was delayed. I will

respond sooner next time. I will wait for your reply.


Your Korean penpal friend,






Dear __________,


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on health and safety. I am glad you live in a safe part of town. I am sorry you do not have healthcare. Does everyone in the country have to work to have health care? I think we should have universal healthcare. 


Universal healthcare is when the government pays for everyone’s healthcare through taxes. It is a trending topic for my cousins in America. It makes me sad to learn this. I sometimes wish Canada could give healthcare to everyone around the world. 


It could be a sanctuary for sick people. Have you heard of sanctuary cities? Toronto is a sanctuary city, this means that people who are not citizens of Canada can still use city services. The services are housing and food banks. 


I think both of those are good, but I want our country to help more sick people from around the world. I would like to learn more about how you deal with not having healthcare. What do you do when you are sick? Where do you buy medicine? Is your family able to go to the hospital? Talk soon! 


Warm regards,





Dear __________,


How are you today? I hope your exam went well. Mine was not that bad. I’m so glad that it is over now. You know, your last letter where you talked about global health issues made me curious, and so I did some research on the internet. 


One shocking fact I found out was that so many babies and mothers are still losing lives during birth because of preventable disease. I think the fact that the cause of deaths are preventable is the sad part. I thought about how lucky I am to have been born in a good environment and be healthy. I wonder what would have happened if I was born in a country where the health system is not as good. 


To be honest, as a person who wants to be a human rights lawyer in the future, I mostly only cared about immigration issues and girls education. However, learning more about the health situations around the world made me realize that health related social and financial security is so critical for promoting and protecting human rights. Thank you for inspiring me to learn about this topic. If I really become a human rights lawyer, I will always remember this. Now enough about my story. I will wait for your next letter. 


Your penpal friend, 
