Letter Samples – Topic: UN SDGs #2. Zero Hunger



Dear ___________,


How is everything going? My week was busy. My school had finals, and I was studying all week. I stayed up late studying for my history exam. I hope I did well.  Do you have finals? Do you usually stay up late before the exams? 


As you know we are learning about SDGs at school. We have moved on to Goal # 2. No hunger.  Did you also learn about this? What do you think about this goal? This goal is relevant to my personal life.  Before I  moved to America, I lived in Pakistan. When we moved to America, my family had a tough time. 

We were new to the country, and we didn’t have much 

money. My parents worried about food often. My family 

received a lot of help from something called a food bank.

 A food bank is a non-profit organization that helps 

people who can not afford food. Most of the food was canned goods and bread. We did this for about two 

years until my parents were able to find good jobs. My brothers and I  got to try different “American” food. 


I never forgot how the food bank impacted my family’s life. It saved us money and stress. I became good at making dishes with canned foods. Nowadays, I do my best to volunteer at food banks and donate food to school food drives. Do you have food drives at your school?  I usually bring pinto beans, baked beans, and garbanzo beans. Did I tell you? I love beans! I use them to make tacos and other dishes. Do you have any canned food in your country?  Do you have food banks in your country? Do you have  food drives at your school? .

I can’t wait for your next letter! 







Dear ___________,


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on no hunger.  I think food banks and food drives are super important too! I think the No hunger is the most important goal to me. I am grateful for all the help people who run food banks gave my family. 


When I am older, I want to open an organization that helps people all over the world fight hunger. I want my organization to be helpful, but not demeaning. Sometimes when my family went to the food bank, the person who was helping us made us feel bad. It was like they were the superhero and I was a person they were saving. I don’t want to make others feel like that. Has someone ever made you feel small?  


I want to make my food bank in a way that it feels like a store. People can come in and take whatever food they want, and leave. They can give donations, but they don’t have to do that. I have another idea for all countries to do. My idea is to import and export food to different countries. Some countries grow too much food. I want to take that food and send it to neighboring countries; for example, Niger has a lot of watermelons and avocados. I want to suggest that extra food be sent to neighboring countries.


 I am hoping the governments of each country will see how important  this issue is. What do you think about my ideas? How can I make it better? I want to know about your ideas. Also, tell me how your life is going.  I  can’t wait to hear from you.


Warm regards,







Dear ________,


How are you? I am currently working on my class assignment of making a presentation on what we could do to end hunger. What I have discussed with you is helping me a lot. I am attaching a link to my ppt draft. If you have time, would you mind looking into it and sharing your feedback and suggestions on how I could improve it? My campaign presentation is about ending hunger starting from the nearest community in ways that protect the feelings of the people getting help. 


As I told you in my previous letters, I have personally been affected by not having enough money for food. Immigrating 

from Pakistan to America, we were new to the country, 

and we didn’t have much money. My family received a lot of help from food banks. We did this for about three years 

until my parents were able to find good jobs. 


In the campaign letter, I want to share my story and how I want to help fight hunger by opening food banks around the world. What I want to highlight is the importance of the feelings of people. I have my organization, I want it to make my food bank like a store. I want to make sure that everyone gets treated equally. I would like to know what you think about my ppt and if it captures what I am trying to convey. I would really appreciate if you can give me some feedback. Thank you in advance. My assignment is due next Monday. I look forward to your reply! 


Warm regards,
